The Public Check On Congress

A non-partisan proposal for a constitutional amendment to hold the members of Congress collectively accountable for serving America’s national interests.
An Urgent Call
Your help is needed to fix our government because:
You believe our democracy is facing a crisis.
You believe that a major cause is the hyper-partisanship in Congress.
You wonder what could be accomplished if we took away from the members of Congress their ability to blame each other.
You are an ahead-of-the-curve thought leader able to evaluate an innovative robust reform idea commensurate with the magnitude of the dysfunction.
What the Public Check on Congress would do:
Hold members of Congress collectively accountable for reaching bipartisan consensus in alignment with the national interest.
Dramatically shift influence away from moneyed special interests, fringe political factions, tribal party leaders, etc., in favor of the American public.
Strongly incentivize Congress to take longer-term considerations into account when they legislate.
Reduce toxic demonization and polarizing behaviors both within Congress and on the campaign trail.
Give members of Congress a new opportunity to earn our trust and respect.
Your next steps:
Or download the complete ebook Restoring the Consent of the Governed available at no charge for a limited time here.
Consider the case for collective congressional accountability.
Evaluate the draft constitutional amendment presented in the e-book.
Share your thoughts on this site, with your friends and social media connections, and forward our official flyer to your representatives in Congress.
Shape our future; the Public Check on Congress is still in the concept stage. You can make a difference.